sun trip america

In 2013, "The Sun Trip" was held. A gaggle of 35 solar e-bike and e-trike adventurers went from France to Kazakhstan, a 7,300 kilometer (4,500 mile) one-way Sun Trip. Pictures say it all (almost). Click on to enlarge.

sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip sun trip

Sun Trip America is now Sun Tour America:

  1. Sun Tour America arose about 5 seconds after learning of The Sun Trip 2013 with the thought, "we should do something like that here," meaning in the Americas.
  2. Although we preferred "Sun Tour" to "Sun Trip", it seemed negligent to not give a nod to "The Sun Trip" and use "". But since the possibility that the "Sun Trip" name might be viewed as proprietary arose, we also got the URL "".
  3. Perhaps predictably, if unfortunately, immediately after using "" in a link, we heard from The Sun Trip CEO who sounded like he had lawyers in the waiting (turns out the director is a lawyer).
  4. Adding a 301 redirect took about 5 seconds and seemed to satisfy. There was no offer of support, if only as a link back, but we assured the director that we would not only continue to link to them but, as soon as they announced their 2015 Sun Trip, we would promote it. In April, 2014, the announcement was made on the above site.
  5. To be part of Sun Trip 2015 expect to spend $12K to $16K upfront including over $400 to "register" (€ 300 for a solo participant , € 450 for a duo) and devote many months part-time and two to three months full-time for the trip.
  6. You will need a medical certificate assessing your fitness to participate in an endurance sport, so be or plan on becoming an athlete—a well chiseled cyclist first as the "trip" is also a race.
  7. Participants in Sun Trip 2015 should seek corporate sponsors to help defray costs.
  8. Participants, presumably teams, in Sun Trip 2015 are limited to 30 (increased to 43) and in addition to paying to participate (collectively totaling over $12K), you must agree in writing to be prepared to donate content to website and any film made of the trip. Selection will be based on your ability to "communicate" and looking good or being an interesting character probably won't hurt.
  9. A fairing or a velomobile design is allowed but your smiling face must be fully exposed to the cameras at all times.
  10. Tandems may have two motors, but all cycles are limited to 45 km/h (28 mph) and battery capacity is limited to 1100 Wh.
  11. Solar panels must be displayed at all times while underway. Performace data must be collected and given to the Sun Trip Organization for future use.
  12. To get any technical support, become a paid, selected participant first. Your solar cycle will have to be approved by the Technical Director.
  13. If The Sun Trip were a for-profit enterprise, their proprietary claims make some sense. Since they "might" want to have a Sun Trip in the Americas some day, it makes sense to view us as competitors.
  14. We waited to see if there would ever be a link back. We're still waiting, but it looks like we are being treated as competitors. Competitors may have to be tolerated, but otherwise let's just say "adios amigos".
  15. Sun Tour America is non-profit, as in having no interest in making money. All administrators are volunteers.
  16. We view "solar touring" as an open source project and will share all knowhow gratis. If participants have sponsors, then fine, wear their logos, but tell them not to expect any mention on the Sun Tour America website.
  17. Participation in Sun Tours, as organized by Sun Tour America, will involve no fees nor proof of athletic ability. And you don't have to be good looking.
  18. As we say in America, "Happy trails to you." And that's what it's all about.


Visit Sun Tour America

Mt. Lemmon May 2014
Mt. Lemmon,
May, 2014

Burning Man
Burning Man Lite,
August, 2014

Burning Man2
Burning Man,
August, 2014